Monday, February 18, 2008

Watch your back, Leonard Maltin

I know many of you had private celebrations Saturday. For what, you ask? How about the third anniversary of the very first post on Movievangelist? That's right ... step back, b*tch.

Hard to believe that this blog started on a lark wohas lasted this long. Seems like for every Gawker and Daily Kos there are a million (literally) of so-called blogs that flicker out in weeks or months. Or perhaps you thought "Mark's Awesome Bong Blog" had some staying power.

True, this little site could do better when it comes to frequency -- can't believe I posted five straight days to start -- and reach. Oh, I love you all, my seven regular readers. You just need to tell seven of your friends, and they each need to tell seven of their friends, and so on, and then Oprah will mention Movievangelist on TV. After that, it's only days until Entertainment Weekly or someone else in the Time Warner family comes calling. If not EW, then maybe Time. Ah, hell ... I'd get picked up by Coastal Living if there was a few bucks in it.

Until then, I soldier on. Stay tuned for Oscar picks this week. Somehow I'll manage to weigh in on the nominees despite the grievous oversight of "Who's Your Caddy?"


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