I'm shocked ... shocked, I tell you
I mean, she and Maverick had such chemistry. That's why we only saw them making out in the dark, right?
Semi-regular and rarely serious sermons on movies I've seen lately. Could be the latest blockbuster. Could be "The Cable Guy" on ... well, cable. Earth-shaking stuff, I know. What, you got something better to do?
I think when this came out I thought it looked pretty dumb. Never heard anything that made me question that assumption, but I did eventually see another movie by the Broken Lizard comedy troupe. I'm not saying "Beerfest" was great, but it had enough funny parts that I decided to give the first big movie by these guys a try. And hell, now I may have to see "Club Dread," too.
Can't believe I didn't think of this movie during that post on "Fred Claus." Easily the most distinctive thing about this lame '80s comedy is how it includes so many well-known actors' ... siblings. The actual funny-funny? Not so funny.
I'm a little overdue for seeing this. Didn't realize until I saw My Name is Earl's brother how long ago it came out: 2000. Nine years later, it's a bit jarring to see Ryan Gosling and Kate Bosworth -- not to mention Kip Pardue, the cheerleader from "Heroes" and Avon Barksdale from "The Wire" -- as part of the young ensemble. It was almost enough to make me stop worrying about when Will Patton would flip out like in "No Way Out." Seriously ... that movie pretty much ruined him for me.
Not sure how many times I've seen this. Two, maybe? No more than three, I'm sure. Didn't stop me from another viewing, though, especially since (a) it had been a few years and (b) I wanted to see young Jackie Earle Haley after watching him get crazy in "Watchmen."
Ah, yes ... Michael Moore. I'm sure there are people who p!ss me off more than him, but it's a short list. It's not his politics or his intent, mind you. It's his execution and stupid stunts. Handle those better, Mikey, and I'd kiss your feet.
Yes, yes ... this is firmly in the pantheon of guilty pleasures. That doesn't mean it's not a bad movie. Oh, it's bad. Just watch it.
And while I've never really thought, "Man, I wish I were European," the cojones the erstwhile Anton Chigurh brings to this otherwise middling Woody Allen movie are something to behold.
Was definitely interested in seeing this movie when it came out but never could find the time, seeing as how it runs for damn near three hours. Really, Ridley? Do you honestly think this is another "Godfather" or "Goodfellas?" Well, maybe you're right.
Given this news, it's just a matter of time before Neil Patrick Harris becomes secretary of health and human services. Better yet, Freakshow for attorney general!