I'm so gay for Tina Fey: "Baby Mama"
So she's a chick. I like the rhyme.
Even pre-Palin, I dug the glasses and didn't mind the scar. Heck, I didn't mind the little bit of back, either. So yeah, I didn't have a problem watching what seemed to be a so-so comedy featuring Fey and her partner in crime, the also kind of hot Amy Poehler.
Our story: Fey is a female exec who can't have a baby. So she gets a surrogate, the crazy Poehler. Meanwhile, can our heroine find love with Greg Kinnear, a juicer? And what of Poehler's redneckness and idiot husband? Hijinks ensue.
Some funny stuff here, thanks mostly to the two goofy ladies. But don't think this isn't pretty formulaic. Happens with almost any situation where two unlike people are thrown together. Usually it's cops, but same principle applies here. We don't get along. Then we do get along. Then ... crisis! You lied! I hate you! Then, reconciliation, with a splash of "a-ha, surprise!" (Which my wife saw coming a mile away, and I was right there with her.)
So yeah, not bad, but not revelatory. Bonus points for Steve Martin as a kooky health-food company founder. ("I want to reward you with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact.") And I'll say this about Dax Shepard: The guy does dumba$$ well. (See "Idiocracy" for more proof.) But demerit for the typical pimping of other SNL folks, such as Will Forte and Fred "Be Any Creepier?" Armisen. Still, love the glasses, Tina.
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