Well, Andie McDowell DID carry him in "Green Card"
I share this only because "My Father, the Hero" is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen. (Yes, worse than "Hudson Hawk.")
Semi-regular and rarely serious sermons on movies I've seen lately. Could be the latest blockbuster. Could be "The Cable Guy" on ... well, cable. Earth-shaking stuff, I know. What, you got something better to do?
If this weren't a family blog, I'd tell my favorite submarine joke. All right, since you really want to know ... "What's long and hard and full of seamen?" Pa dum dum. Now let's review a film that helped blaze a trail for such movies as "The Hunt for Red October," "U-571" and "Das Boot" (and ultimately its adult version, "Das Booty").
That's right, kiddies. My better half and recently took a time warp back to the early 1960s and saw two -- count 'em, two! -- movies at a drive-in last weekend. The place was maybe 10 miles out of town and 40 years into the past.
Even if you don't like Icehouse, how can you not like Thomas Haden Church?
Personally, I favor Patrick Swayze when it comes to guilty movie pleasures -- "Red Dawn," "Next of Kin" and especially "Road House." But a strong contender for "So bad it's good, but not really" is "Cocktail," and here's why:
Seems to me most people consider M. Night Shyamalamalamalaman a mixed bag. "I loved 'The Sixth Sense' -- that Haley Joel was so cute! -- but what was the deal with that 'Unbreakable' movie?" they say. Hey, I used to ask the same thing. When I saw "Unbreakable," I thought it was deadly boring and have to confess I just didn't "get it." But even though I haven't seen it a second time, it was one of those rare movies I kept thinking about, and it's grown on me. Weird, I know.
Between this and my dogging of "Dodgeball," I almost certainly will be kicked out of the He-Man, Woman-Haters Club.
Not to use a technical term here, but this movie sucks.
I came late to the "Firefly" party, catching the show only recently when the Sci-Fi Channel aired its limited run from a few years back. The series about a ragtag spaceship crew flamed out then but apparently became big enough on DVD that the creator, Buffy wunderkind Joss Whedon, got the green light for a Major Motion Picture. Hence, "Serenity."
For reasons somewhat difficult to explain, this movie sat on our shelf for quite a while. I figured it was a no-brainer for me and The Light of My Life to watch together, seeing as how it's a breezy comedy-romance with winning personalities. But then we got sidetracked by various other viewings -- look, honey, "My Father, the Hero!" -- and it wasn't until last weekend that we gave Will Smith his due.
I now present to you Reason No. 304 to have HBO: There's no way in hell I would spend money to see "Alien vs. Predator" in the theater, nor would I use one of my precious Netflix spots to watch it on DVD. That leaves cable TV, and I recently succumbed to this pointless exercise of a movie that sounded good on paper ... 15 years ago.
Now here's something I thought I'd never see: David Cronenberg making a mainstream movie.
It's totally not fair, but how can you watch a Lee Marvin movie and not think of Mr. Blonde from "Reservoir Dogs?" You know, when he and Mr. White are getting into it, and Blonde says, "Boy that was really exciting. I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan, aren't ya? Yeah, me too." That line doesn't get as much attention as "Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?", but it's still good.
As I wrote earlier, it's been a little tough to fit many movies into my schedule, what with the new TV season. Yeah, yeah ... you never here Ebert whine about this. But you know what, I would kick his ass in a footrace, and I didn't give thumbs up to "Spartan."
First, an apology. Not only was I gone over the weekend, but the new TV season is kicking my ass when it comes to watching movies. Sure, I've got plenty of fine films TiVoed, and "Hitch" has been sitting in the Netflix pile forever. (Figured the missus and I could agree on that one.) But all of the season and series premieres have taken up a good chunk of my nighttime viewing. In fact, don't be surprised to see a post on that before long, because I know you care.